Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Last minute type of guy

We got the car back on Friday evening. I wasn't convinced that the catalytic converter was the issue, but it does appear to be running well now, so I guess it must have been. Collecting the car on Friday meant driving from South Wales back to Swindon after work, then to straight to North Devon. We then had to drive back to Swindon next morning for a 9.30 ante-natal class. I was expecting that to be a joke, but it was actually quite good. A bit touchy feely, but informative. It served to panic me somewhat. We have nothing prepared. We have a list of things to take to the hospital, and we don't have any of them yet. It only occurred to me at the weekend that we need to get a car seat right away or we can't bring the little soldier home. The house is still a wreck, and I have no idea what I'll be doing for a job in 8 weeks time. I'm a last minute type of guy.

Sunday was the first day in weeks that we didn't have to get up for anything. It was good. Today of course I had to get up at 6 am again to go to work, but even the weather wasn't so cold today. Cloudy and grey, but not cold for a change. I hope Spring is coming. I want to plant tomatoes and Chinese white radish.I'm really quite looking forward to it. I have grow bags and potting compost all ready. I also noticed that you can buy bags of horse shit at Homebase, which is great to.

Education secretary Ruth Kelly has had an egg thrown at her as she arrived to give evidence at a court case today. Despite the fact that I loath Ruth Kelly and everything she stands for, I can't morally justify chucking eggs at her. That said, I've seen the pictures and you have to admire the marksmanship of the thrower. Hit her square on the head despite evaisive action from Kelly. Must have been a fairly long range shot too since thrower is not in picture. He was arrested however, so it wasn't that great a shot.

I know that not many of you out there share my interest in Taiwan, but something interesting has happened and I'm going to write about it. The President has announced that the time may be right to think about scrapping the National Unification Council. The body, which was set up in 1990, was designed to show China that Taiwan eventually intends to reunite with the mainland. But for many years the NUC has been nothing but a name. They have no budget and no power. It serves no real purpose other than to give the illusion that Taiwan is working towards reunification. And that's what is upsetting China. They don't want the world to think that Taiwan is still considering independence.

The President is attempting to flex his muscles for political reasons. Since his re-election he has not appeared to be very strong and his authority has been in question. He is also moving towards the end of his presidencey and would like to secure his legacy. This is a means of demonstrating his power. It was a dangerous move however. Taiwan is banking on the US helping them when China makes a move to control the island, and Washington is not pleased that Chen made this statement without consultation. I haven't seen a reaction from China yet, but they won't be pleased either.


At 6:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, just came across this site again (was registered ages ago, but as have got a job, kinda forgot about it untill this morning they sent me their ad in e-mail) you might want to look at it for a jobs they were pretty good as far as I remember:
good luck


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