Friday, February 03, 2006

Can't sleep!

I want to talk about insomnia. People think that insomniacs are people that don't need much sleep. This isn't true. Insomniacs need sleep like everyone else, they just can't. That's why it's a pain in the arse. I've always had a problem with sleeping. The last few years have been better. The problem can be minimised by learning what conditions you need to sleep, what not to do if you wake up etc. I get quite obsessive about routines. And I get quite ratty with people that screw them up. I once had a shouting match with a policeman who had decided to set up a speed trap just outside my house at bedtime.

Why am I telling you all this? Well, right now routine is difficult. I have to wake up early to come to work. The dragon has back pain and doesn't sleep soundly. It's not her fault. I want sympathy, that's why I'm telling you this.

I can't believe Nick Griffin and his goon have been cleared on race hate charges. The man stood up in a pub and made several speeches essentially preaching racism. He has a right to his opinion. He even has a right to say these things in my opinion. But to suggest that he wasn't intending to incite racial hatred is unbelievable. They're not out of the woods yet. Griffin was charged with 4 counts and has only been cleared of 2. There will be another trial. His cohort also has to face a further 4 charges. I'm actually in two minds about this. I loath and despise Griffin and everything he stands for, but I have to accept that he is a politician and must be allowed to say these things. I'm still amazed that the jury didn't seem to think that he was inciting racial hatred. I think that's the only reason he says these things. One has to remember that this is not about what he said so much as what he intended to achieve by it. Click.

Another thing I can't believe is the fact that police think they now have firm proof of an exotic big cat roaming the countryside in Fife. This proof of the Beast of Balbirnie takes the form of a cast of a footprint. Check out these pictures people. That looks more like a turd than a footprint.

The Office of Fair Trading has launched a campaign to crack down on mass marketing scams. They say the top scmas around at the moment are competitions, lotteries, psychics, clairvoyants, phishing, advanced fee frauds, pyramid schemes, working from home schemes, and general investment. What I want to know is, what's the difference between psychics and clairvoyants? I take the view that anyone mad enough to hire a psychic or clairvoyant deserves pretty much everything they get. Click.

I just submitted my first two weeks' timesheets. I feel good. I can pack up and go home for the weekend now.


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