Sunday, January 08, 2006

Blown Up

I can't remember whether I mentioned this in the last entry, but we got the crate we air freighted from Taiwan. Apart from a broken glass dolphin, all appeared intact. Sadly that was not the case. The PC didn't boot up and diagnostics have revealed that the motherboard, processor, and several other bits and pieces are all blown up. I can't understand how this happened.

The only thing I can think is that the scanners used by customs blew everything up. A handset for the robot I built also arrived dead, though that was in a different box. The only other thing could be that the power supply blew everything up. But I swear I switched it to the right voltage before I powered up. If I'd set the voltage wrong I'd have expected the first power up to result in a bang, but it didn't. No matter. As it turns out, both hard disks have survived and they were the only really important things. The playstation also survived.

With any luck we can claim on insurance for the computer and dolphin. In any case, my parents wanted to buy us a present to celebrate the coming of their grandchild and our return to Blighty. They were going to buy us air tickets, but of course that didn't work out so they said they would replace the computer. I'm not about to look that gift horse int he mouth and I'm going to see about it tomorrow.

Still haven't got a job, but I don't exactly know what to do about it. I need to go back to the house in Swindon and see what state it is in after 4 years of being let to lodgers. We have the choice of either settling there, or somewhere else. Ether way, I don't want to move again before the baby is born in April. I think the dragon wants to settle there for a while. If I can't find sensible work there, I can temp or take a contract. We'll see how it goes I guess. There is a job I sort of want in Surrey. I've applied for it and I could get it. Can't commute there from Swindon though.

Celebrity Big Brother; I've found myself strangely drawn to this vulgar exhibition. What made George Galloway think that was a good idea? And Rula Lenska; I though she was fairly smart, what a bimbo! I hope I get bored with it soon.

Charles Kennedy has admitted he has a drink problem and simultaniously signed his own politiical death warrant. Why does anyone feel sorry for him? It wasn't as if we didn't already know he was a drunk and I have the distinct impression that he wouldn't have come clean had his hand not been forced.

I'll be glad when I get the PC back. I don't think I will hook it up to the internet since there is no broadband here. That'll have to wait until next week when I work out where we will live. I can type up entried though, maybe get back to the novel if I get a few minutes, organise my iPOD again.

Did everyone have a good Christmas and New Year by the way? Sorry I haven't personally responded to all notes. I don't sign on everyday at the moment and when I do it's not usually for long because it ties up the phone. It doesn't mean I don't appreciate you though. I'll be back soon I promise.


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