Thursday, December 01, 2005

Naked Robbery

Last night I felt the baby kick again. I think this is a good sign, though I think the novelty is begining to wear off as far as my wife is concerned. Next Tuesday we go to the hospital and have our 4D scan. That should finally clear up the question of its gender.

This morning I was woken at 6.45 by a bloody great earthquake. It frightened the hell out of me. We haven't had a large quake for quite a while. The reports say it was magnitude 5.7, but here I think it was closer to 3.0 here in Taipei. Even Silvia felt it and we never see her before lunchtime.

I have spent most of the afternoon in CostCo, the local cash and carry place. I wanted to buy a build your own speaking alarm clock, but these things are an indulgence when one is attempting to move all posessions to the other side of the planet. I still want it though. I still need a Christmas present for my brother and my aunt. I don't think either of them would have liked a speaking clock however.

The only story in the news today that I have found amusing is that of two naked bank robbers in El Salvador. It seems the two were digging a tunnel to the local bank vault and they had to wrk naked because of the intense heat. They managed a 75m tunnel before a collapse left a gaping hole in the street through which the two fled. They were later aprehended by police. Click.


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