Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Bad mix

Didn't get around to adding an entry yesterday, that's what being away from the office does for you. I did manage to keep my NaNoWriMo wordcount going. I thought it would be easier when I wasn't working to get words on the page but I appear to be more busy now than I was when I was working.

I got a response from one of the jobs I applied for in UK. I only got a response from the agency if we're being honest, but that's a start. Wish me luck people.

We started packing things yesterday for our return to UK. Apparently it's cold and snow is threatened. The dragon has never really seen snow and I don't remember any really white Christmases. I think we'll spend CHristmas with my parents in the west country and invite a couple of Taiwanese friends currently in Engand to join us. I hope it's fun.

I see that the Germans have voted in a new lady chancellor.This is the first time we have seen a lady in the top job. I don't have any strong feeings about that, but it bothers me that they voted in a member of the Christian conservative party. State and religion together is a terrible mix even if you are a christian.

George Best is doing batter but is still very sick.

It seems more people in the US are downloading music from iTunes than buying music on CDs in stores. I bet the music industry feels really great about sticking with CDs now and lettign Apple have more than half their business. What gets me is the fact that they still haven't worked out that they need to provide downloadable music to compete. These people must have their heads so far up their butts. Incidentally, Sony is being sued again over its anti-priacy software. Good news for the consumer.


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