Thanks for the note yesterday Dickie. I'll make you write a postcard to my mother explaining about pearl necklaces in that contexts if she asks.
Snow White, you're right I should make my own bed, and actually of course, I do.
I seem to have a cold again. I can't understand it, that has to be the third one this year.
I never had any strong feelings about Stella Rimington, ex MI5 chief, until today. The BBC reports that Stella says, "I don't think that anybody in the intelligence services, particularly in my former service, would be pressing for ID cards." I like her already. She goes ont o say, "I don't think they are necessarily going to make us any safer." What a lady.
Butt the technology industry says that ID cards could be more appealing if they had a function. Well yes, that would help, but, hang on, wait a minute, the technology industry? They have a slightly biased view because they want to sell technology don't they? Click.
I've just read a report that claims UK's channel 4 is intendng to runa reality show in which people ar recruited to go on a space trip. There is no trip, it's all trickery. We the viewer get to watch the achingly funny antics of peopel who think they are in space, but they're not! I see a flaw in this however. It's on the BBC website. Where's the elephant of surprise? I think you blew it guys.
OK, I have to get on with stuff.

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