Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Pictures from inside the womb again

As promised, here are some pictures from yeserday's scan. There are no helpful diagrams this time from the dragon to help you identify important elements, you have to work these out for yourselves.

Click my baby

Click my baby

Click my baby

Click my baby

I realise that not everyoen is as interested in my baby as I am. But wiat until you see the fruit of your loins wriggling in the belly of your woman and then try not to be a bore about your own baby.

I can't believe it but the British government is still attempting to get through terror legislation that will allow detention without charge for 90 days. Not only is this outrageous, it's going to fail. They're already relying on conservative rebels to make up numbers. Even if it makes it through the commons it won't make it through the Lords.

I was writng until about 1 am this morning. Click the dude with the pencil below for my stats page.

Stats for me!


At 3:10 pm, Blogger Richard said...

I am excited.

You're not being a bore (yet).



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