Thursday, November 03, 2005

Oh happy happy day

Blunkett resigns, what a great start to the day, and of course this can't look great for the Prime Minister that reinstated him just three months after the last time he was forced to resign in disgrace. I hope this means that we won't see him back. Of course he wouldn't be the first minister to make a comeback after twice being sent to the naughty corner. Peter Mandelson now enjoys his Euro Commissioner post, and it of course has the advatage of not being a democraticaly elected position so he can't be thrown out again.

I want to talk about Bluetooth headsets. These devices seem to retail at about 30 GBP, though one can of course pay more than that for the elite models. That would seem to me to be quite a lot of money considering that the extent of the labour saving features these things appear to provide seems to be to negate the need for one to hold a phone to one's ear. I don't deny that it could be useful in situations where one needs both hands, but this usefulness is, for me at any rate, offset by the fact that anyone using a bluetooth headset looks like a giant knob. I'm sure those people we see on train platforms, with a peice of lego sticking from the side of their head, talking to themselves like a mad drunkard, think they look cool. The sad truth is, the rest of the population think you look like someone that will go home that night and masturbate over old episodes of Star Trek.

I mean seriuosly, why do you need to have that thing bolted to the side of your head while you're walking down the street with both hands unoccupied? Are you expecting to catch a stray baseball or something? Do you need both hands ready in case a situation arises where you need to draw a six shooter from your holster? Are you a famous pianist worried about radiating your hands with a cell phone? Or are you simply so insecure that you need to visually demonstrate to everyone how rich and important you are?

Thought for the day:

Have you ever noticed that it's only newly post adolescent men that seem to require bluetooth headsets?


At 7:31 am, Blogger Richard said...

And what on earth could possible by wrong with masturbating over old episodes of Star Trek (TNG that is...)?

I've seen taxi drivers in Edinburgh wearing bluetooth headsets.

It's all about ergonomics you luddite. ;-)

At 11:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the rest of the population think you look like someone that will go home that night and masturbate over old episodes of Star Trek."

Funniest line ever.

And no, unfortunately such headsets can also easily be seen on mid-life crisis types.


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