Decent, honourable man with integrity - Right!
Regarding the current problems of David Blunkett, work and pensions secretary, the BBC reports:
Cabinet Office Minister John Hutton said: "Knowing David as I do, he is a decent, honourable man with integrity and I don't think there is any argument to suggest the contrary."
Is this the same David Blunkett that was forced to leave his Home office post after he had an affair with someone else's wife, abused his position to speed up her nanny's visa application, fiddled his expenses to provide first class train tickets for her, landed himself in the middle of a legal case concerning the paternity of her unborn child, and left himself open to blackmail while Home Secretary?
Cockroach body count update:
Actually I think word has got round the cockroach comunity not to go under my desk as there are very few extra bodies in my trap. Sumedha however managed to catch somethign better.

That'll do for today.
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