Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What was the money for?

David Blunkett is in a cart-load of trouble and he's not making it any easier on himself by refusing to answer questions. One question in particular needs answering. What was the 15,000 pounds for? He worked in a non-executive capacity for two weeks and was given 15,000 pounds worth of sharesbefore resigning nad rejoining the cabinet. He attempted to keep the shares despite the fact that he was in a position to influence bids for government contracts from the people that gave them to him. Can you blame us fro being suspicious?

In answer to notes yesterday. I don't know how the building became infested with insects and reptiles. The building isn't particularly disgusting. I've seen far worse in Taiwan. But you have to remember that the climate is warm and ridiculously humid. These things get everywhere. And Abby, Asia is pretty nice in general. It's not all bugs and creepy crawlies. You should come see for yourself sometime. And the traps appear to have only insects int his morning.

Good news on the baby front. We think we felt movement yesterday. She's not sure but she is excited about it. It's about 19 weeks now, so it's about the right time to start feeling the little soldier. Actually we were a bit concerned that we hadn't had any movement yet. It annos me that I won't be able to feel it move for quite some time. Next week we get a high resolution scan and we should be able to see its wedding tackle, if it has any.

Novel writing is going better than expected. I have around 7,000 words now. I don't think I can count the first 4,000 however since they were adapted from the previous aborted attempt. I will submit my wordcount without that chunk, just to keep it all fair.

My video card on the home PC appears to be on it's last legs, so I am going to see if I can get a cheapish replacement tomorrow. It would happen now! I don't think I am going to take the PC back to England. I'll just rape it of disks and bung them in a new shell at the other end.

OK that'll do for now, nust carry on with novel.


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