Friday, November 04, 2005

On the ropes

Seems yetserday's entry raised a smile from Jim. Welome back. Where have you been? Haven't updated your page in ages. Last I heard you were appearing for one night only in Japan. We're going out to celebrate my release from this office next month if you're in Taipei and interested. Jamie is to take over as president of the escape committee.

Dickie, I could be a luddite, but my whole point about Bluetooth headsets is that they have no ergonomic purpose when one has both hands free. I can understand why people would use them in cars, though I myself wouldn't want to be so phone dependent that I couldn't turn it off in the car. You haven't got one of these things have you?

I see that both Tory leader hopefuls are each accusing the other of being Tony Blair. This doesn't bode well, although there is a certain entertainment value in the fact that each obviously considers it to be the ultimate insult.

Howard has accused Blair of loosing control of his party and he has a point. Anti terror legislation scraped through by a single vote last night and the contraversial parts (90 day incarseration without charge) was pulled becuase the governemnt knew it couldn't possibly win the vote. Charles Clarke was made to look like an absolute buffoon on the today show when he claimed the vote was pulled with a few minutes notice to let MPS go awway over the weekend and discuss it with their constituents.

Doing well with my NaNoWriMo novel, must be up around 7000 words by now. More news as we get it.

Thought for the day: Does anyone else think it's odd that Elton John is a knight and a queen?


At 4:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Queen first.. Knight second.

At 11:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, I do still read this every day. Just haven't felt like commenting lately. My site has been updated and I thoroughly recommend not reading it.


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