Told You!
Blair lost by 31 votes, despite the fact that he has a majority of over 60. People are already calling for his resignation. Gordon Brown and Jack Straw were both called back from meetings abroad to make up the numbers. It has been suggested that Gordon Brown was attempting to claim responsibility for a narrow victory. That of course backfired but it suggests there is serious in fighting going on in the party.
The really big news today however is the fact that my father has discovered how to add comments to the journal page. Well done that man. I think this is conclusive proof that the word verification system is not too much of an inconvenience.
Those wacky Japanese have invented a heated bra for the winter. It's claimed that the bra, filled with envirnmentally sound gel that can be warmed in the microwave, is eco friendly. Hmm, microwaves, doesn't sound that eco friendly to me, and, if you have a look at the picture (it's OK, it's work safe) it doesn't look very practical. Could you wear that under a shirt? A quick office poll here reveals that no woman would ever buy this item and that I have an unnatural interest in this subject.
I have work to do.

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