Friday, November 11, 2005

All your base doesn't think before he speaks

I got a note from "All Your Base" who seems to think that I have "left the path of wisdom". Here's the phrase in context:

"Not liking something or someone is acceptable. Being gleeful that bad happened to someone just because you dislike their politics means that you have left the path of wisdom."

He (or she) is referring to one (or possibly two) sentences from my previous entry that express my happiness that Tony Blair is having a bad week, and that Sony is being sued for some immoral software that insidiously and covertly installs itself and screws up computers (allegedly).

Now, I did think about letting this go. But that would mean All Your Base would be left blissfully unaware of how wrong he is. I am so irritated by these self appointed custodians of the moral high ground.

So here's my reply:

First the Tony Blair issue. I disagree with Blair on just about every political level, but that's not why I hate him. I disagree with Ken Livingston on just about every political level also, but I think he's decent. I hate Tony Blair because he is an authoritaian that starts wars to further his own political ends. I hate George W Bush for the same reason. Do I wish Blair ill? No, I care less about Blair (or Bush) than the dirt on the bottom of my shoe, really. I am eccstatic however that Blair is having a bad week because it means that democracy is weakening him. Hopefully before too long he will be gone and the world will be a better place for it. That is why I am gleeful and I make no apology for it.

As for Sony, again I wish no ill on any individual. I merely hope that Sony get into serious legal trouble because they are illegally altering people's computers (allegedly). This in turn will I hope send a clear message to any scum that wants to do this in future and perhaps make Sony think twice about this kind of thing again.

Now, All Your Base, perhaps you would like to demonstrate exactly where I left the path of wisdom?

As a postscript here, I just found this entry on All Your Base's journal, entitled "My thoughts on and after 9/11". Here's a quote:

"Either their god it is a piece of shit, or they are pieces of shit in their gods' eyes."

Profound All Your Base, profound. Have you ever had an original thought?


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