Saturday, November 19, 2005

Goblin's Blog

Didn't get around to writing an entry yesterday, mostly because it was my last day at work(apart froma few last hours this morning) and we spent a two hour lunch in the pub, which was most enjoyable. Didn't get any of my novel done either. It's sad leaving a job that you like though, and yesterday was no exception. I thought Sally was going to cry. I got presents of Whiskey, baby toys, and a carrier thing for when Herbert pops out. I felt, well, humbled.

I've been applying for tech writing jobs in the UK already, but I don't think I can start until after Christmas so it's probably too early. That's what I am going to put the lack of replies down to anyway. If anyone out there wants a talented young tech author with loads of experience, let me know.

I'm going to write another chapter now.


At 12:57 am, Blogger Richard said...

The end of an era---and the start of the next.

Hope that all goes smoothly with the transition back to living in Eng-er-land-shire.

At 11:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Herbert"? Please tell me you are kidding.

Hope you enjoyed your Monday off. I was only an hour late for work.


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