Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Happy Clappy

Still packing, and fed up with it. Two more boxes are bound for England today. The house looks like a tip and my back aches.

I see Dickie has finally done his 5 weird things that he was tagged about. It took so long it's a bit of an anti climax. That's not fair, at least he did it. I have to say, I knew about number 4 and can confirm its authenticity. Dickie can't do anything quietly actually. I think I also heard the story about his brother too. I'm shocked by the horror movie revelation and I think everyone has trouble writing witty stuff in cards don't they?

Mei's been round here today. Her new tea shop is on the point of opening. If you find yourself in the Shi Da area of Taipei, it's a quiet bar at the moment and it's worth a visit. I think it will saty as it is in the evenings, but it will morph into a respectable tea shop during the day.

I very seldom agree with anything Greenpeace has to say. They're not environmentalist, they're anti globalists and they're not doign anyone any good. However, they managed to disrupt a Tony Blair speech today and that's good in my book. Another example of how unpopular the most corrupt PM in living memory has become. Click.

In answer to Dickies question, the Jerry Springer videos were pirated from e-donkey, sorry Jerry, but I did buy one of your videos on VHS once. And yes Jim, the Falun Gong are Happy Clappy loonies, and run by a very questionable gentlemen. But people have a right to be happy clappy loonies if you ask me.

I can't think of anything else sensible to write today.


At 7:16 pm, Blogger Richard said...

Sorry about the anti-climax. Had to keep the weird things fit for public consumption you know.


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