Little soldier
I felt the little soldier kick me. I didn't think people could feel babies kicking until about 8 months but I am quite sure I felt him. Every time I get another piece of evidence for my son's/daughter's existance I am first relieved, and then I start wondering if there is anything wrong. I have no idea how I would cope with an abnormal child.
George Best finally died yesterday. I liked him, despite the fact that he wasn't always a good person. He was a character. I'll miss him.
It's been snowing in Britain and my parents have sent us pictures of their garden covered in snow. They live in the south west and don't often get snow, especially not in November. The dragon has never really seen proper snow and she is hoping that there will be some when we are there in a few weeks time.
My NaNoWriMo novel is about 1,200 short of the target as I write this. I guess I am going to hit 50,000 today. It's been tough, but I'm glad I did this. I have three quarters of a crappy first draft, but the plot is nearly in place. I have words on the page and I have a certain arogant pride. At least I will have when I have got my 50,000 words down.

Nothing else interesting has happened today. Oh no wait, Take That are reforming for an 11 date tour, but without Robbie Williams.
I think you can feel babies kicking/moving from within the womb from plenty earlier than 8 months.
Who is Abby?
Having been tagged, I'm writing my 5 things, it's taking longer than I expected.
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