Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I've been tagged apparently

I've been tagged it seems. Usually I don't play these games, but it was Abby that did it, so I'm going to humour her. The idea is, as far as I can tell, is to inform the salivating public (or the sad half dozen idividuals that read this drivel in my case) of five "random weird facts" about myself. I'm going to try and make these facts that very few people would know:

1. I can recite the speech in Act 3, Scene 3 by Ariel in Shakespear's The Tempest that begins, "You three are men of sin..." without consulting the text. I learnt it when I was 17 after seeing the Derek Jarman film (don't die without seeing it).

2. I have a phobia about white food. I hate milk in particular. Some white food is OK. I like rice for instance, but generally, I don't like it. Milk is particularly bad because it's also opaque. I think things to drink should be largely transparent.

3. I can do the David Blaine levitation trick. I don't seem to command quite the same air of wow that Mr Blaine does, but people have been known to gasp, especially under fives. I also have a dissappearing coin trick which can go wrong and injure people.

4. I bought a unicycle when I was in my early twenties from a guy selling off his ex Christmas stock cheaply. I still have it, and I can ride it.

5. I was the man on the grassy knoll. Just kidding, I think women that don't wear underwear are hot.

I thnk I have to tag someone now, but I don't know who, maybe Dickie, does it have to be someone from OD or can it be anyone with a blog? I'll think about it.


At 4:50 pm, Blogger Richard said...

You mentioned 3 recently, I already knew 4, and could have deduced 5 (given your dubious story about a week-long bet with a female coworker when you were at Nationwide).

I can't believe that you were so mean as to insult your readership in that first paragraph!

Shocked I tell you...

At 1:36 am, Blogger Richard said...



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