Monday, November 28, 2005

Dangle bag

Paul McCartney has refused to play China again for political reasons. Now have a guess what those political reasons might be. Maybe it's the illegal occupation of Tibet, or the constant bullying of Taiwan. Could it be the threat of removing the democratic government from Hong Kong? Perhaps it's the apalling civil rights record, which has seen innocent people locked up or even executed for anti government comments? Maybe it's a protest of the oppression of the Falun Gong movement or the Tianamen Square disaster?


He's mortified at the way they treat animals for the fur trade. Well he's got his priorites sorted out hasn't he? Click.

There's a new report out from UNAIDS that attempts to frighten us to death with the astonishing statistic that there are more people alive today with HIV than ever before. That's because new anti retro viral treatment is keeping people alive longer. This doesn't mean that the infection rate is going up. But they neglect to mention that. Click.

The Met police chief is to be investigated over allegations that he misled the public over the shooting of an innocent man on the London tube in July. This is excelelnt news. This should have already happened.Click.

We're packing (boxes, not heat), it's not much fun. I'm officially concerned that I have no job at the moment. I thought not working would be less stressful than working, but I think it's more stressful. We're going to have a celebration of everyone bailing out of our office on 9 Dec, at Fridays. We like Fridays.

I got my Father an unusual Christmas present today. I'm not going to tell you what it is because he does sometimes stray across this page. But I'll tell you about it later.

We just won NT$1,000 on the lottery!!! This may sound like a huge amount of money but it's actually about 20 British pounds, or a little under $40 US. Better than a kick in the dangle bag however.

I've just been watching uncensored Jerry Springer videos. Why has no one ever died on that show?


At 4:02 pm, Blogger Richard said...

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At 4:03 pm, Blogger Richard said...

China - the world looks the other way because China is seen as important trade partner.

Packing - hope that the boxes go well.

Job - fingers are crossed for you here.

Dangle Bag - when I read that title I thought for a moment that it was going to be an announcement of the sex of your offspring.

Jerry Springer - where can I get these videos?

At 2:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Falun Gong can take a flying fuck, bunch of crackpots.

At 5:56 am, Blogger brightkelly said...

Chinese view on this
In case you won't read my blog, I'm gonna say here that most chinese don't treat cats and dogs like in that video, and most of us don't eat cats and dogs as some of you thought. Don't forget the chinese shown in that video are professional cat and dog butchers! Who makes fur for buyers mostly from developed countries.


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