Friday, December 02, 2005

Witch Doctor

I didn't get around to finishing an entry yesterday, though I did start one. Here's what I wrote...

A new survey in Britain has concluded that almost 1 in 10 guys are paying for sex. I don't have a problem with this on it's own. If you want to go out and buy it, I guess it's none of my business. But that sounds like a lot of people visiting ladies of the night. I've never been tempted, and I have to say that paying for it would take some of the erotisism out of it for me. I used to live near a lap dancing club. The ladies didn't do full nude dances, but I think they probably might have been open to a private deal after hours. I went there a couple of times for stag nights and such, but I wasn't really into that either. It just doesn't appeal. Maybe there is something wrong with me. Click.

We seem to have been going through a slow news period since I left work. Or maybe the fact that I'm not working has meant that my interest in the news has dropped, though I can't think why. I did notice that the world's first face transplant has taken place in France. A woman who lost her lips, nose and chin has been givent he face of a brain dead patient. I'd love to see before and after pictures, but I don'thtink we're going to get them. Click.

From here on this is written today...

The dragon, as regular readers will know, is Taiwanese, and the Taiwanese people have a traditional post natal ritual that lasts one month. Before I tell you what it involves, let me explain two things, first I don't understand it myself, and secondly, many people including the Dragon think it's drivel. Appparently after giving birth, a woman's chi is depleted and her body is cold. That's not cold in the traditional sense, it's some weird cold that I don't understand, but you have to bring the cold body back into line with warm food. Again this is not your normal warm. As far as I can tell it involves boiling chicken in alcohol for hours until there is no alcohol left. No water is supposed to be drunk, and washing of the hair is also forbidden. This goes on for one month. Oh, there is also chinese medicine to be taken daily.

As I said, the Dragon thinks it's garbage. But she still wants to give it a go to disprove it more than anything I think. She says she draws the line at the not washing of hair, and I persoanlly can't see her resting for a whole month either. The Chinese medicine she quite likes the idea of. We buoght about four cubic meters of foul smelling grasses, frogs eyes and dried beatles from the local witch doctor yetserday. We've also shipped a case of rice alcohol to England for the chicken soup thing. I might take some pictures of the potions for you all to enjoy. I though I would prime you with this information so that you won't be surprised when I give you a report on post natal progress.

We actually ship ourselves back to England on 15 Dec. A man who looked very like Mr Miagi from the Karate Kid came today to give us an estimate for shipping the delicate stuff back. There will be a period when I don't have internet access. Don't worry, I haven't died, I'll be back on line some time in the new year I imagine.

Still no luck on the job front.


At 12:27 am, Blogger Richard said...

Watch out for sniffer dogs at the airport(s) if you're hauling job lots of dodgy potions. I hope that there are no lions' penii or sharks' fins in there.

Sounds like you met the ghost of Mr Miagi...

At 7:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how you disprove it by doing it. If she's well at the end of the month, everyone will say, "See? It works."

Other side of the coin is she ends up sick. Not much of a result.

Good luck with jobs. You're welcome to mine any time you like.


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