Thursday, December 08, 2005

Goodbye for a few days

It's still raining in Taipei.

We've pretty much finished packing now. We haven't packed our bags yet, but all the stuff that needs to be send ahead is now boxed up. There is one more box to pack I think, and another that is waiting to go to the post office. There is also a pile of valuables on our floor waiting to be crated up by the travel company. It was a long and stressfull job.

I had a bite on the job front yesterday. It's only a 3-6 month contract, and I'm not sure I'm quite what they want, but who knows. Also I think they want me to start next week, and that's just not going to happen. It's a confidence builder none the less.

I have a feeling I am going to lose internet connectivity from tomorrow, so this could be the last update for a while. I should be back in UK on 15th and I can update then, though I don't think I will have broadband again for a while. Those who know how to Skype me will be put through to my cellphone for as long as it still works. If you know of anyone needing a talented tech author in UK, let me know. I'll pick up e-mail as and when I can. There is a contact page on Dongxi that has my details, just click theh @ sign in the train window.

So, until next time people, goodbye.


At 2:38 pm, Blogger Richard said...

Tweed; best wishes for the move, take some photos out of the plane window (if you have a window seat, it's daytime and not cloudy that is).


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