Friday, February 03, 2006

Short of time

The house next door to mine is for sale for £185,000. Now that's a lot of money. I paid £54,000 for mine. That was about 12 years ago of course. I think mine would be worth around the same. The garage isn't as good, and the conservatory is smaller, but it is a semi, the one next door is terraced, that must count for something. Judging by the pictures, mine is also far more tasteful.

I still haven't heard from the guy mending my car. I will have to call him this afternoon. If I can't get it back tomorrow, it will have to wait until next week. I don't mind. I'd rather put miles onthe courtesy car than my own. The courtesy car doesn't have a radio, which means I have to sing. The window opened this morning though. Actually, I hope he can't finish the car tomorrow. That way I can avoid another trip to Devon until next week. We have moved nearly everything from Devon now into the Swindon place. We somehowe manged to forget our new microwave however, which was a bit of a downer.

And that is as much as I had time to write.


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