Monday, January 30, 2006

Think of something fast

I'm going to Devon over the weekend. Apparently we have 6 boxes waiting for us from Taiwan that were sent by surface mail. That means my software has arrived and I can finally finish building the PC. I won't have any time over the weekend to do it however. It's Ruth's birthday on Sunday and we are supposed to go out with her and Pete for lunch on Sunday at a Japanese restaurant.

Today marks the end of my first week in this job. It's borring, but it pays the rent and it's not as if I am doing anything frightening. I am having trouble with cross references however. I'm still having to fight the urge to do a few minutes stand up every time I hear a Welsh accent.

It's the Dragon's birthday on Wednesday and I haven't thought about a present for her yet. More worrying is the fact that I won't have much time between now and then to do a sly shopping expedition. I will have to think of something fast. Maybe a mail order thing. Valentines day is also approaching.

Met police chief Ian Blair is in deep smeg over remarks he made yesterday about the case of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman who were murdered about 2 years ago. In fact, all he said was that he couldn't understand why the media hyped the particular case and not others at the time involving racial minorities. He was in fact accusing the media of race bias. I think it's a fair point and it's something we touched on in this very journal a while back. Jim the journalist actually made the point about white people making better news stories than black or Asian. I don't usually support Ian Blair and have little respect for him, but in this case, I think I'm going to support him. He wasn't tryign to diminish the importance of the case in question, merely asking why it got more column inches than other stories at the time of similar importance. I think he has a right to that opinion.


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