Thursday, February 02, 2006

It's so obvious

I think Abby could be right, toll booth operatives hold the secret to teleportation. They just don't tell anyone because if we all knew how to do it, no one would use cars and their income would plummet. It's so obvious. I'm going to kidnap one of the operatives, torture him/her until they spill the secret of teleportation and then sell the patent to OPEC for millions. They're bound to buy it because they don't want people giving up their cars either. I'll also check to see if they wear trousers.

Mr Blair has suffered a serious defeat in the House of Commons. Two votes were taken last night on the religious hatred bill and he lost both of them, despite a nominal majority of 60. In other words, his own party is turning against him. Amazingly, the PM left before the second vote and didn't vote himself. The government then lost by a single vote. This means that the ridiculous bill will become law, but with serious ammendments, thanks to the Lords. The BBC are reporting that it's a serious setback for Blair. The Telegraph is questioning whether he can now win the education reform bill and the id card bill votes. In fact it also questions whether Blair will survive as PM if he loses the education reform battle in March.

It's not going well for Blair in other areas either. The 100th UK soldier to die in Iraq hit the news yesterday and the printed press has been pretty ruthless in their condemnation of the war. The Mail, not a paper I usually side with, asks how many more must die to "save the prime minister's face and justify his lies?"

Boy George is to face court on drugs charges.Apparently the 13 bags of cocaine found in his home could have been anyone's and he doesn't know where they came from. I've got nothing against the guy, but that doesn't sound like a strong defence to me.

I got my bank card back. I'll buy flowers for the dragon on the way home. All is well. Still haven't heard anything about getting my car back. Have to call the guy tomorrow.


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