Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bad start

Today did not start well. I opened my wallet this morning to discover my bank card missing. The last place I used it was the supermarket last night on the way home. I thought it was a 24 hr place, but it wasn't open at 6.30 this morning. I called them however and they have the card. I can pick it up this evening. Such a pain in the rectum when that happens. On the plus side, we now have a card for the dragon and she can actually have access to the bank account, wheee! Actually she doesn't have a pin number yet. There is a new policy of sending the card to the address you give them and then not sending the pin until you return the enclosed form. What's the point of that? They used to send both card and pin to the same address but on different days. I thought that was pretty sensible.

I've also lost my sunglasses in the move somewhere. Hope I haven't lost them forever, I like them.

The above was written this morning. I can now report that the cash card has been recovered and we ate curry for dinner. All is right with the world. It's the Dragon's birthday tomorrow.


At 4:32 pm, Blogger Richard said...

Happy Birthday (for tomorrow) to the Dragon!


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