Thursday, February 09, 2006

Too damn fast

I have apparently managed to get a speeding ticket. I can't understand how it happened, I've been so careful, I really have. But the guy that sold me the car called me last night and told me that the ticket had been sent to him. It was the courtesy car he lent me while mine was in the shop. It's so annoying. It's the first time in years I've had a clean licence and it lasted about three months, fascists.

Abu Hamza has been sentenced to 7 years in jail. Apparently he will be eligible for parole in 2008. Even if that is the end of 2008, it will be less than 3 years in prison, though he has been in custody for some months already. Why do they bother calling it 7 years if he gets out after 2? Do the authorities think the public is somehow fooled by this? He is still wanted by the US on terrorism charges and he will face extradition as soon as he is freed. I can't believe he only got seven years. The man has connections with 9-11, July bombings in London, the shoe bomber idiot, and others. The police are under pressure to explain why it took so long to convict the guy who has been living on state benefits in Britain for years.

Abby had a bit of a rant about the cartoon issue yesterday. I find the whole thing hysterical. They're like children. I wish I could draw, I might do a few cartoons of my own to illustrate the infantile behaviour displayed here. I heard muslims on the radio yesterday upset at how the clown that dressed as a suicide bomber was treated, "He's not a terrorist, he's an idiot", claimed one. Well I can't say I disagree with that.

Apparently dark matter is hotter and faster than we thought. I wish I understood this, but I think I'm missing some of the ground work. My Father called me to tell me this yesterday. It seems the Milky Way is also more massive than we realised and it's even bigger than our next door neighbour Andromeda. Why did thewy call it the Milky Way? Such a stupid name.

The really good news today is that I have fixed my Framemaker cross reference problem. No idea how I did it, but it makes me feel clever anyway.


At 9:59 pm, Blogger Richard said...

..and presumably the only reason you had a clean license was that you'd been out of the UK for 4 years!



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