Monday, February 13, 2006

And today's disaster is...

...a leaking lavatory. I called a plumber. I don't know how to fix a broken seal where the soil pipe joins the pan. Nothing is ever easy is it? He's coming this afternoon after three. That's good, because I finish at 1.30 today. I can be there.

I'm back into podcasting. The Telegraph does an excellent one. I've also discovered a New Scientist podcast. It had a couple of mediocre write-ups, but I'm giving it a whirl. I forgot to resubscribe to the SETI institute "are we alone" podcast, which is also pretty good.

I had a letter from the bank yesterday about the complaint I made. This time they actually answered my questions, agreed that I had received apalling service, and gave me £75 compensation. I guess you can call that a result. It might even pay for the plumber this afternoon. We still disagree on whether the policies implemented by NatWest actually increase security in any way, but I can agree to disagree on that point. It bothers me that I appear to be growing into a grumpy old man.

Written Friday, but posted Monday!


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