Monday, February 20, 2006


They were interviewing representatives of the British police force on Radio 4 this morning. It was boring and I wasn't listening properly. One thing that caught my attention however was a comment made by someone that I think was there to represent the black police officers. I think there is a body calling ityself the "association of black officers" or something similar. This guy said, "I think we all need to get away from this political correctness thing and concentrate on recruiting people of colour in the police force". What a knob. Can anybody else spot the irony in that statement.

We went to Devon for the weekend. The parents are in good health and my brother showed up. He's still "cutting down" on his smoking with a view to giving up when it is banned completely from his workplace at the end of March. I don't know why he doesn't just give up. The (I hope) final two boxes from Taiwan arrived and we were able to take them home with us. These contained the missing baby clothes, Japanese hair conditioner, kitchen clock, and various other things which we had lost. The only thing I have yet to find is a hat knitted by my sister-in-law for her nephew.

Talking of our unborn child, we got quite a bit of stuff for him this weekend, including a pushchair and car seat combo, baby bath, moses basket, and clothes. I think we have nearly everything we need for the arrival now. Well, we haven't got the car seat and push chair yet, but it's on order. We really need the car seat to take Herbert home, so he'd better not pop out early. That should show up in around ten days. I don't know whether new parents all go through the same thing, but since we went to the ante natal class two weeks ago, panic has set in and the birth appears alarmingly close. This feeling of urgency is manifesting itself differently in myself and the Drgaon. I'm impatient and want it all to happen now, she is having irrational feelings of fear and inadequacy. She will of course be an excellent mother. She's been a teacher and been around kids all her life. It really should be me worrying.

This week we need to get a sterilizer, food processor, toiletries required for the hospital stay, and nappies. That should be everything we need to get going. We haven't got a cot yet, but I think the little soldier can sleep in his dog basket for a little while.

We returned from Devon last night and the back door wouldn't open. The lock was broken. I need to replace the locks anyway thanks to the letting agent who failed to recover all the keys. I have affected a temporary repair and will replace it tonight if I can get a replacement. It was lucky we had keys to the other door. It took me ages to open it. It was also inconvenient because we had to unload all the boxes from the car in the rain to the front door.

I planted a few tomato seeds last week. I thought I could start growing them early in the season if I kept them inside. They've already started sprouting and I'm intending to put them in the conservatory. I've never done anything like this before and it's terribly exciting. There were 12 little shoots yesterday. I was planning to plant a second batch in a month or two.

Google are upsetting the US government by refusing to hand over records of search requests. I of course support Google in this stand and I hope they never hand any data over. One does have to wonder though whether Google has taken this stand after they were critisised for their China policy. I do understand the China policy too. Google is quite right right to point out that if they hadn't complied there would be no Google in China. Click.

I have to mention British historian David Irving who is currently on trial in Austria for claiming that the holocaust never happened. I need to make it quite clear here that I am personally quite sure the holocaust did happen and that millions of Jews died. I can't however understand why any country would legislate against saying otherwise. Irving is an idiot with a ridiculous theory. That shouldn't be a crime. That's free speech ladies and gentlemen. If you don't like what he says, get up and tell the world he's a liar, that's how it works. Click.

Gary Glitter, another idiot, is to start his trial for allegedly comiting sex acts with children on 2 Martch. He has already paid off the alleged victims. I have no sympathy for the man. I felt sorry for him when he was convicted on child porn charges. You think he'd keep his hands to himself ater an incident like that. Click.


At 9:44 pm, Blogger Richard said...

The URLs are all mangled... :-(


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