Friday, February 24, 2006

Bandwidth pig

It's Friday and that is good because I finish early and tomorrow is Saturday. However, it's snowing and it's cold. I was hoping that we might get some warmer weather. Also I have an occasional twinge in one of my teeth. This is worrying because I haven't seen a dentist in some years. I should register us with a dentist because, apart from the fact that I need to see one, the dragon is eligible for free dental care while pregnant. I'll call them this afternoon, see if we can't both get an appointment next week.

I keep hearing that Britain is in the grip of the worst drought in living memory. I don't understand why. I see water. The radio says that if it rains from now to the end of summer, we will still have a problem. Apparently rainfall has been very low for 16 months. The south east of the country always has water problems in the summer.

Abby suggests booby traps for the little shit that graffitied my wall. I had thought of this. I also thought about rigging up a live garden cam. I did rig up a live goblin cam for a while last year in my office in Taipei. I didn't publicise it widely however. I think "live garden cam" might be better, and I could even catch the little shit with the spray can. In which case, I will feel perfectly justified in stuffing said can up his arse.

Abby also seems to think that I've never had nappy (diaper) changing experience. This is not the case. I have changed babies before. In fact I have even done so without supervision. It's not difficult, it's just, well, disgusting. Feeding may be something more demanding, but it doesn't scare me like full nappies.

I'm going to investigate LimeWire on ABby's recommendation. I don't think e-donkey is e-vil. It works very well, and I can't find any illicit software hiding in the engine. It also seems to find everything I need. The only problem is that it seems to be a bandwidth pig.


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