Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hail to the chief...

Thanks to Dickie for pointing out my mangled links in the "Irony" entry. There's a story behind that actually. I forgot my flash memory stick on Monday and I e-mailed the text to myself so that I could publish the entry at home. They don't like me updating my webpage from here. Sadly the beautifully crafted html tags were corrupted in transit, so there you have it. They're fixed now. OK, it wasn't a great story, but it was a story.

It was revealed yesterday in court that Ponce Charles considers himself a "political dissident", fighting worthwhile causes for the common man. Good to know he's a champion of things that matter to all of us, like the social implications of architechture, crackpot alternative therapies, and modern farm practices that involve using the moon phases to govern sowing and harvesting. According to an ex private secretary of the clown, the Prince frequently had to be reigned in when his dopey ideas threatened to get out of hand. It's OK though, although this is universally agreed to be unaccepable behaviour for a monarch, Charles reckons it's OK for the Ponce of Wales and will stop when he's king. Well, that's alright then. Click.

Funny how work goes isn't it. Last week I was wondering what to do with myself. This week I have about three days work backed up on the desk. I prefer that to having none however.

Yesterday I got home to find the Dragon in a very good mood because her cousin had rigged up a Skype terminal in her grandparents' home and she video conferenced with them. I've discovered that e-donkey really slows my cable modem down incidentally.


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