Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Little shit

I bought three replacement locks on the way home yesterday and fitted two of them last night. A new tumbler on the front door lock was easy and took only a few minutes; the five lever lock on the back door required extensive chisling and took about an hour. Both are now fully operational. There is a second front door however and a second back door. I can't decide whether to replace both, or just one. Neither is essential since each has another door behind it.

Some little shit has sprayed a line of paint all down our garden wall. I hate vandals. There is no point in reporting it of course, the police are only interested in catching people speeding in their cars. It makes me wonder what one can do. If I was to catch the little bastard spraying my wall, I could hit him, and then I'd be up on an assault charge. There is a balance of power problem here.

My tomatoes are still doing well. I looked at them yesterday and they all started leaning towards the sunlight. So I turned the tray round. I want them to all grow up straight. Or should I just let them lean as nature intended? How do seeds know when to sprout? None of the seeds in the packet was trying to grow. How do they know that they are in the soil and ready to rumble? I guess it must be the water.


At 9:42 pm, Blogger Richard said...

I thought that the done thing with tomato plants was to train them up a stick of bamboo...

Sorry to hear about the little shits. Presumably they're not the same ones that were there before you moved to Taiwan? (I guess they would be big shits by now)


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