Thursday, March 09, 2006


It's getting warmer, which is good news for tomatoes, and probably many other species. It's also raining, which may also be good. The dragon just called me and said that the nurse at the surgery listened to Herbert's heartbeat and said it was fast. She has to go back tomorrow and have a quick check. She also needs iron tablets it seems. I hate getting news like this. I'm sure there's nothing seriously wrong, but it does bother me.

My parents are visiting the dragon today with the new pushchair. I don't think I will be home in time to see them, but who knows. I'm pleased they will be there. She's emotional and not enjoying the final month very much. I arrived home to find her in distress because she cut her finger with the meat cleaver yesterday. In fact that was the second day she did it in a row. She's sharing her brain with the baby.

I've been thinking about windmills. Windmills fail as a method of electricty generation because electricity is difficult to store and we can't rely on the wind to blow when we need it. So I have the answer. You should use windmills to raise water, and then use the water to generate your power. You can always rely on gravity you see. Remember, you heard it here first. Coastal areas would be ideal. There's lots of wind near the sea and lots of water to raise. I should charge for this kind of inspirational thinking.

It's a slow news day. Pete Doherty is to face a further court appearance on drugs charges on 23 March apparently. He left court today in a gold Jaguar with no tax disc according to reports. That boy just can't sort his life out can he? Boy George has had his charge of cocaine pocession dropped but was found guilty of wasting police time it seems. I really want to know what was going on here. He called police to report a burglary that didn't exist and they found packets of cocaine all over his apartment for which he is not being charged. What's the deal here?


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