Friday, March 03, 2006


One generally expects that inquiries initiated by the government into potential government misbehaviour will be a whitewash. The latest inquiry into Tessa Jowell's alleged misconduct sets a new level of whitewash however. Apparently she was not guilty of breaking the ministerial code because she didn't know that her husband had received a "gift" of £350,000. Presumably also she didn't realise that the paper she was asked to sign by her husband was to allow him to take out a £400,000 mortgage on one of their homes and then mysteriously pay it off a few days later. Even if it's true, and Ms Jowell knew nothing of the allegedly dodgy dealings of her husband, and had no idea that her jointly owned home was used as security in a move to bring a large amount of money into the country, that surely makes her too stupid to be a cabinet minister doesn't it?

What really bothers me about this is that the media knew that Ms Jowell was going to be cleared a day before she actually was. This was because Downing Street dropped very heavy hints to the press that she would. How did Downing Street know what Gus O'Donnel's report was going to say? The only logical conclusion to which we can come, is that they told him what to say. Which in turn leads me to believe that they're now instigating whitewashes so blatently that they don't even care that we can see how they do it. I still think she'll go. The press is now hounding her and demanding answers to questions.

Gary Glitter has got himself three years in a Vietnamese gaol. That can't be a nice prospect. We are led to believe however that he may be released after just 1 year and he has already served four months. That sounds like the British justice system.

The police have recovered "several million" pounds from the mega heist in Kent a week or so ago. I find it strange that a gang could be organised and diciplined enough to carry out the actual robbery, but then foul it all up the following week when all they had to do was lie low. That said, there must have been dozens of people involved and someone was bound to get caught and talk I suppose.


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