Thursday, March 02, 2006

NTL are unethical

Yes Dickie, there was snow in March. It was very localised however. I left early yesterday because I was worried about traffic chaos getting home. Outside Newport the snow stopped fairy abruptly, and back in Swindon it was non existant. I did snap a couple of pictures off using my phone, but I haven't installed ftp software yet so you may have to wait for pictures to hit the site. The snow is almost gone this morning.

There was a very serious traffic accident this morning on the motorway. The road was closed eastbound as I came in. I was heading west however, so I wasn't held up. The BBC site says that someone was killed. It makes me drive more carefully when I see road carnage like that. The traffic was backed up for miles.

I used my free afternoon yesterday to go to town and buy a rice steamer, food processor, and steriliser unit thing. It all came to about £100, but they weere all things we needed and I think we are just about ready now for the big arrival. We don't have the push chair yet, but I called the shop yesterday and it should show up tomorrow.I guess that means we'll be in Devon for the weekend again.

NTL are trying to stiff me by making me pay for a cable tv service they gave me in error and I didn't even know I had. Apparently when you subscribe to the "base package" they give you one month "family package" free. What they don't tell you is that they also give it to you the following month and expect you to pay for it. I called them last night but they couldn't help me because their system was down. I will be calling them later.

It seems that my prediction that Teresa Jowell will lose her job is going to turn out to be wrong. The BBC website is today predicting that Ms Jowell will be cleared. One wonders how they reached that conclusion.

The trial of Gary Glitter begins today. He was seen in defiant mood as he approached the court room. He's changed his appearance radically, now sporting a freaky beard and baseball cap. I still don't have any sympathy for the guy.

Remember the Pet Shop Boys? I'm a child of the 80s and they were a large part of my teenage years. They are, to my surprise, still a going concern, and they've become political activists. Two of the tracks from their latest album are very close to my heart. One called "Integral" attacks ID cards, and my personal favourite, "I'm with stupid", examines the relationship between Bush and Blair. Tracks can be found on the new album "Fundamental". I might even go and buy it.Click.

Linda Smith, who radio 4 listeners will know, died yesterday of ovarian cancer which is very sad. I didn't realise it, but she was a major player in the humanist society, which places her highly in my list of cool people. Also today saw the death of Jack Wild who played the artful dodger years ago in the famous version of Oliver starring Oliver Reed. He was suffering from mouth cancer.


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