Monday, March 06, 2006

Something interesting and French

I tried roast beeef yesterday. It wasn't the roaring success that the roast chicken or the roast lamb was. It was OK. We ate it, and I did manage to produce very passable roast potatoes. I also finally unpacked the capuccino machine and, though I only ever drink coffee black myself, the frothy milk went down very well with the dragon. In other news this weekend, I spent Saturday clearing the flowerbeds of dead material, and I've planted some chilli plants. Chillis are difficult to grow and I'm not confident of my ability here, but I wanted to give it a go. We still have an abundance of tomato plants.

We cleared out the conservatory this weekend. There are still one or two boxes to unpack, but we have pretty much moved in now. The loft still has boxes of books that I would dearly love to put on shelves, but we're short of shelf space now. That will change when we have settled in to a routine.

The dragon's belly is periodically tightening and relaxing now. I think they are practice contractions. We're both getting nervous about the big day now. Sleep is becomming something of a novelty, but I got our breast pump working yesterday, so that's one less thing to worry about. We were given two breast pumps second hand and neither of them had a bottle. I have found suitable bottles now however, and they seem to work. I practiced on myself, so there was no milk of course. Strange sensation, and probably a sign that I should shed a few pounds.

I got around to installing Macromedia utilities yesterday, so I guess I can make cahnges to the web page now. I realised late last night that I still haven't installed any ftp software yet. I'm going to try and do that tonight and you might even get a few pictures from me this week.

The Oscars are over. I can 't get interested in the Oscars. I quite like looking to see what everyone wore, but the show itself is so boring isn't it? And the wrong people nearly always win. I mean Speilberg picked up 7 Oscars or something for that awful Schindler's list. A worse film I think I have never seen. So I don't care who wins. I think it's nice to see Wallace and Grommit picking up an award for us Brits.

Something interesting is happening in France. Apparently the French government is voting on whether or not to make file sharing legal. I didn't know anything about this, but apparently they will be voting this week on the matter. It will be the second time this has been voted on, and last time they voted for making file sharing legal for a small monthly charge. The government was apparently embarrassed by it. If legislation is passed to make file sharing legal in France, there are bound to be huge knock-on effects. The music industry is frightened by the move of course. But by far the scariest element of the row so far is the picture the BBC found of aging French rock star Johnny Hallyday, who looks like something out of Madame Tusaude's chamber of horors. Check it out.


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