Sunday, March 19, 2006


After yesterday's revealations about cash loans to the Labour party in exchange for peerages, the media here is asking how parties in Britain should be funded. I personally think everyone should bring a bottle.

It's bleeding snowing again, in mid March, I dispair of this country. It is however Friday which means that I finish at 1.30 and I can go home to play.

Tonight I am going out with Big Pete and Justin. That will result in Pete attempting to get me drunk and gettign Justin to smoke. I'll stop drinking after a couple and he'll get annoyed. Justin will get angry and threaten to kill Pete over the cigarette issue. I'll report tomorrow on the outcome.

The above was written on Friday, but never posted. It's now Sunday night. I didn't drink too much on Friday night, though it was enough to ensure that I had a hangover on Saturday morning. I had recover4ed by the afternoon. I'll write a proper report tomorrow.


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