Thursday, April 13, 2006

What's funny?

I'm bored at work. There seems to be nothing to do. I don't know why they extended this contract really. I should be grateful for the money I suppose. It's tough pretending to do work though.

I managed to find the train station at Newport yesterday and pick up friend Eugenie. It's good that she is staying for a couple of days. It will be nice for the dragon to have a friend there. Sadly I have to come to work tomorrow, but then I get 4 days off and I can take over baby feeding duties for a while.

I planted a few sunflower seeds in seed trays in the conservatory last week. I was not optimistic about the chances of them coming up because it has been cold again, but they look good. I need some manure or something before I plant them in the garden. I was hoping I can get them up to 6 foot. I wonder if baby poo would make good fertilizer as I have access to quite a bit of that currently.

The tomatoes are doing well too. I managed to kill three of them in a grow bag. I watered them with a can I found in the garage. I'd left the can there before I let the house. I hadn't allowed for the fact that the can might have been used for unusual purposes by the tennants. I don't know what they did use it for, but I'd watered three plants before I realised that the water was in fact pink. I'm guessing it was brake fluid, but I could be wrong. I pulled out the three dead plants and replaced them with healthy ones but the bag may be contaminated, who knows.

I've also managed to grow three pretty healthy looking chilli plants. I might take some pictures of all these. The spinach and white radish seeds I sowed in the garden have not come up yet, but it has been cold. I do hope it gets warmer soon.

I got excited today about a news story that someone had been arrested for selling honours. I was excited because I thought it was bound to be one of Blair's henchmen. It wasn't however. It wasn't even new news. It was a headmaster who was working for the government to find sponsers for it's education programme. Apparently he indicated that sponsers might get OBEs or CBEs in return for sponsership. Anyway, he's been arrested. It won't look good for the government, but people seem to have got used to the fact that this administration is the most corrupt in living memory and I suspect that it's not very significant.

A three year old girl has been glued to a lavatory seat by pranksters at a bowling alley. I can only assume that since the child was a girl, it must have been a female lavatory and thus a female prankster. Though the story does mention it was a disabled facility, so it could be unisex. I suppose it's funny from a distance, but it must have been quite nasty for the child and her mother. It's a funny world we live in isn't it. What makes people play pranks on total strangers? Why should we find it funny to embarrass or inconvienience strangers? I'm not taking the moral high ground here. I've been known to chuckle to myself when I see a broken down BMW. I just wonder where that feeling comes from.


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