Thursday, April 27, 2006

Private Dick

Speaking to my father last night, I now realise that my comment yesterday about no mud currently sticking to Gordon Brown is in fact not true. There is the issue of over payment of tax credits, yet again. That's several more million in tax payers' money lost forever. There is an excellent comment in today's Telegraph by Boris Johnson that everyone should read about the current state of the Labour party, click here.

Typical that Abby managed to find a baby owner's guide before I could write one myself. I had the idea completely independently. I think I might do it anyway. Abby, how would you like to proof read for me?

We had a mediocre night last night with the baby. I fed him at 1 am, and the dragon fed him again at 4 I think. After that he decided he just didn't want to sleep. I did manage to get a burp from him that could have filled a Zepplin at about 5 am which did improve things, but I still didn't have much in the way of sleep last night.

I need a steady job closer to home and I was thinking maybe I might see if any of the local private detective agencies might want to hire me. I like the thought of tailing people and peeping through net curtains. I don't think the pay is very good, but who knows. It's worth a try isn't it.

John Prescott it seems may be investigated about his affair with his secterary. The talk is all about whether he breach ministerial codes of conduct because the affair was with a civil servant. Why hasn't blackmail been mentioned? When Profumo had an affair he lost his job because he was considered to have compromised security because he left himself open for blackmail. Hasn't Prescott done exactly that? Didn't Blunkett do the same? Why is no one except me worried about it?


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