Wednesday, May 03, 2006

horse, stable, door, and bolted

OK, so now Charles Clarke is saying he wants tough new measures to ensure that foreign offenders in British jails are considered for deportation automatically. The words horse, stable, door, and bolted, all come to mind. He is also in trouble over an offender that was considered for deportation back to Somalia. It was deemed inappropriate to send the man back to Somalia, so he stayed and has since been implicated in the death of a police woman.

The BBC has broadcast an interview with Garry Glitter, currently in a Cambodian prison for child sex crimes. He is planning an appeal I think. I saw the interview yesterday in which Glitter denies any wrong doing. I was surprised by the interview, but I didn't really see anything wrong with interviewing him. I'd say prisoners should have a right to defend themselves. There were however quite a few complaints. People seem to think that a convicted paedophile should not be given a platform upon which to protest his innocence.

The thing that struck me most about the interview was the evaisive way in which Glitter answered questions. When asked if he had ever had sex with an underage girl in Cambodia, he replied by saying that he had never knowingly done so. He was clearly trying to choose his words very carefully, but the long pauses made him look nervous. When pressed on the underage girl issue he went on to explain that he wasn't aware of the age of consent in Cambodia until very recently. It made him look guilty.

It seems that Keith Richards who fell out of a coconut tree earlier this week, is suffering from bleeding inside his skull and will have to have the blood drained. I still want to know the whole story here.

I have been applying for jobs because the current contract ends at the end of May. I got a call yesterday about a job I applied for in Bristol, but they said they would call back today and didn't. I guess that means they don't want me. I'm not down hearted though. There are other jobs out there. I'm a bit fed up with the current contract because I've run out of work. I guess it's OK though. They have to keep paying me until June.

I planted some more white radish and more spinach in the garden this week. The first batches are already well on the way. I also planted a couple of strawberry plants, but I've never done that before and I don't know how they are going to go. The tomatoes are begining to flower in the conservatory and I have three really healthy looking chilli plants right here in the office. I want to take some pictures of the chillis because they look realy impressive. It is however late and I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow.



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