Monday, May 08, 2006


The weekend has been long and tiring. My parents showed up on Friday and that was good. They looked after their grandson while I was at work and the dragon went for her post natal appointment. I think that is the frst time we have actually left him completely with someone else. We then did the family thing and went to the park for the afternoon. It was a nice day, unlike today which is foul.

I've had a couple of pooh incidents this weekend. Neither were funny at the time, but with hindsight, they both have entertainment value. Picture the scene; it's bathtime on Saturday evening, and I'm on duty. I filled his little bathtub, undressed him, and went to check the water temperature. It was an elementary mistake, I should have known better. Never leave a naked child on a white towel, even for an second while your back is turned. I returned to find a huge steaming turd that wasn't there 15 seconds earlier. He'd put both feet in it and kicked it round the room. I don't know why I removed the nappy. There was a tiny pooh in there. I asked him if he'd finished and I swear he nodded. I think the little insect did it on purpose. I must have screamed, though I don't remember it, because the dragon came rushing in asking if I'd dropped him.

The second incident occured yesterday lunchtime. I was feeding him. There were familiar noises from the nappy region and a vociferous odour. I have concluded that it is not advisable to change nappies midway through a feed as there is an increased vomit risk. The odour was simply too pungent to ignore however, and I went for it. We don't have a changing mat. Usually I just put him on his back and contain everything in his old nappy. For some reason however, the cosmic forces spoke to me yesterday and told me to put him on a newspaper. I'm glad they did. Somehow he managed to shit about 50% of his own bodyweight. It literally exploded out of his nappy as I removed it. It actually emerged from under the wasteband and squirted up his back. I don't want to talk about it. I had to change his clothes and take him for another bath. It was the only way to clean him up.

The extent of the government's huge local election losses last week are still headline news today. Ultimately Labour lost more than 300 seats and polled only 26% of the vote. In contrast, the Conservative party gained more than 300 seats and polled 40%. It couldn't really have been much worse for Labour. The Conservatives would like to have made more ground in the Northern urban areas, and the Lib Dems would like to have won a few more seats in general. Blair responded to the problem with a radical cabinet reshuffle. It hasn't helped however, and a large number of his own MPs are revolting. At his press conference this morning, Tony was sweating prefusely and attempting to stand firm in his decision to keep his timetable for moving on a secret. I think there will be a contest forced pretty soon.

David Blaine finishes his goldfish bowl stunt today and evryone is very worried about his peeling skin - yawn.

It's late and I'm going to bed. I hope I get some sleep tonight.


At 10:21 pm, Blogger Richard said...

So I'm not sure who produces the most crap - David Blaine or your son.

Hopefully the latter will grow out of it...soon.


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