Sunday, May 14, 2006


Last night the little chap slept from 8.30 pm - 1.30 am. Then I got up and fed him. Then he woke up again around 4.30 am and the Dragon fed him. I think he's getting the hang of the night and day thing now. One thing about these middle of the night feeds is the amount of weird TV I catch. Early this morning I caught the end of a debate on circumcision and a thing about Criss Angel. He hung himself under a helicopter with hooks through his flesh and went flying off around the countryside, wierdo. I can't understand why anyone would want to be circumcised, or pierce their flesh with big hooks and hang themself under a helicopter.

Yesterday the animal rights idiots I mentioned got sentenced to 12 years each, except for the chick, she got 4 years. I'm not sure why she was let off more lightly. I guess that means she'll be out in 2 years and her scummy friends in 6. Doesn't seem enough for blackmail, intimidation, criminal damage, and grave robbing does it.

I've found out what "making indecent images of children means". It's legal speak for copying pictures. That is to say, if you download an image from a website, that's making an image because the file is copied to your local machine. When you have it on your hardrive, or on CD, that's posession. It seems to me that all paedophiles are charged with posession of and making illegal images. It doesn't seem to be illegal to view images however. And here's another thought, why does viewing these images make someone a sex offender? I actually know someone who had to signteh sex offenders' register for making/posessing/viewing images. Isn't that like saying kerb crawling is the same offence as propositioning a prostitute. Kerb crawling isn't actually illegal at all in Britain, much to the dismay of the police.

There is a story emerging today about prisoners addicted to drugs suing the Home Office because they were forced to go cold turkey when they were detained. If these people win their case there should be rioting in the streets. Are they suggesting that they should be allowed to take controlled drugs in prison? They have access to the medical facilities they require, what's he problem here?


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