Tuesday, May 23, 2006

It was just the cold weather

If you're having trouble logging onto open diary, it's because you're using the new Firefox browser. Or perhaps more accurately, it's because the bloody website can't handle the new firefox browser. There is a fix I've discovered. Log on from www.FreeOpenDiary.com. I don't know why it works, I only know it does.

We almost finished recycling the cot this weekend. It's half painted, the rest is done. I was hoping that we could install the baby today, but that looks unlikely now. Last night he woke us up at 2am, and 4.30am. However, he didn't really want anything at 4.30, just wanted to make a noise I think.

We have a rat in our garden. Did I mention this already? Well we have anyway. I bought a rat trap yesterday for £1.99, and then somehow managed to lose it on the way home. I know that sounds like a Mr. Bean story. I don't know how it happened. I think I put it in the basket at the bottom of the pushchair and somehow it dropped out. I'll pick up another one today on the way home.

I was stopped by a reporter in the street yesterday and he asked me my opinion about whether victims of crime should have some say in the parole of criminals. I don't have a problem with this. I found out after I got home that this notion has come from Home Secretary John Reid, which makes it a less attractive idea. My father says it would just bring in a revenge element. I can't see why that's such a bad thing. It would definitely increase the length of time criminals spent in prison. That would reduce the amount of reoffending. Anyway, the reporter took my picture and I guess I could be in the paper today.

A report in the Telegraph today claims that one prison in Britain is losing aorund 2 inmates per week through escapes. That my friends is appalling. This is the result of prisoners being treated too well. If you allow them to go out during the day, is it any wonder that a percentage of them don't come back. That's not a prison, that's a hotel. The BBC has also picked up on this story and reports that 700 prisoners escaped from open prisons last year - Whoops! "Open Prison", isn't that an oxymoron?

My old friends PETA have staged a naked protest in London. I'm glad to see that they are back to nudity again. I was worried that they had turned their backs on nude protests, but it seems they just put them on hold until the warm weather returned. This time it's about bear skin hats, as worn by the guards at Buckingham palace. These hats have been made from the skins of Canadian bears for 200 years, but apparently it's cruel. This is not a new agument. I believe the Canadian black bears are culled every year to control the numbers, and the skins are obtained from the culled animals. No bear is hunted down just for it's skin.


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