Thursday, June 08, 2006


"Feedback" is the shortest word in the English language with all the letters of the alphabet from A-F.

Quick one today. I don't have much time because I didn't go to work. The interview I was supposed to attend today was in fact cancelled and replaced with a telephone interview. Somethign to do with the candidtaes submitted so far being all unsuitable. I thought it went well, but I'm not sure they are looking for someone of my talents exactly. I did have a second telephone interview today which also went well. I already got some feedback from the agency and it was positive. Apparently they want me to sit some test. I guess that's a good sign.

Thanks to the noters who wrote on the last entry. I wasn't sure whether I really wanted to put my letter up there for allt o see. But the three poeple that did respond were nice, so I have no regrets. I would like to leave a reply note on Mountain Angel's page, but it's set to favourites only, so I can't, sorry.

There is not much in the news today that gets my juices flowing. China has banend the Da Vinci COde, though it's not clear why, and they've also blocked the main Google site. And of course, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has apparently been killed in an air raid in Iraq.

OK, I'm off to bath the baby.


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