Thursday, May 25, 2006

Nudity again

It never occured to me that my American friends wouldn't know what a cot was. I should have known there was a language problem. You callthem cribs, we call them cots. He woke up at 1am, 3am, and 5.30am last night. Every time I think he's getting the hang of sleeping at night, he manages to prove me wrong. He didn't really want very much feeding during the night. I think he just wants to make a noise. My theory is that he sleeps better after he has a late bath. He seems to like baths.

The Chinese State Circus is coming to town and they're pitching their tent in my very street. I really want to go and see them, but there is the question of what to do with the child. I thought we could just bring him along, but the dragon says that he won't like the drumming and shouting. There's kung fu and stuff. I'm still thinking about a solution for this.

Ilearnt last night about the Marie Celeste. There was a documentary on tv. I learnt that nearly everything we know about it was down to a fictional piece written by Arthur Conan-Doyle from the point of view of a survivor. It even turns out that the boat was never called Marie Celeste, it was called Mary Celeste. The latest theory is that a cargo of alcohol ignited and the crew panicked and left. The fire didn't cause any damage apparently because it just flared and then went straight out. So there you have it.

One of the Big Brother house mates has been evicted for signalling to her family. I personally think she should be commended for her inovative idea. They only like idiots winning though. Why is that?

I haven't really been reading the news today, but I did see one story about a woman from Wales who landed up in court after a neighbour spotted her sunbathing naked in her garden. It seems that the neighbour (male and father of three) was apalled at the nakedness of the woman and rushed to get his video camera to collect evidence. The court however cleared the woman of indecent exposure on the grounds that it was clear she wsa not intending to offend anyone.

I wonder how this would have been handled in the US. I'm bettign that the woman wouldn't have been found not guilty there. The comment v=board ont he BBC website however seems to be overwhelmingly in support of her.


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