Thursday, June 08, 2006

Roman times

I've had a thought. In Roman times, before the birth of Christ, they can't have been counting years backwards until they reached 0000 when the Messiah was born as we do today, so how did they number the years? I can't understand why I've never considered this before. I might ask my Dad, he'll know. I think he might even remember Roman times.

I took the boy out last night to get tickets for the Chinese State Circus. Think of me on Saturday at 3pm (BST) watching people flying through the air and stuff. And don't think about robbing the house, my parents will be there. I was sorely disspointed with the box office place. I was expecting to be served by a Chinese person. I was going to try out my Mandarin. The only ticket seller appeared to be an Eastern European however. I know about two phrases in Russian, and both would have been inappropriate.

I may not get time for an entry tomorrow because I am off to Dorset for an interview. Think of me at 10 am (BST) as I struggle to answer all those questions. It occurs to me that I don't know where my road atlas is, which means I will have to make journey plans carefully tonight. I had a quick look yesterday. There are no motorways. I also have a telephone interview tomorrow with another company at 4pm.

There seems to be something wrong with the British weather. It's been really nice this week. My water butt in the garden is nearly empty because there has been no rain. There are tanned people around. Must be global warming. My spinach is not looking good. It's been mauled by slugs. I have set a slug trap however. The white radish is however flourishing. We have strawberries coming. The tomatoes look healthy, and we have a fine crop of chillis. I counted 11 chillis yesterday on 2 trees. The 3rd tree has a lot of flowers, but seems to be a week or 2 behind the other plants.

Wayne Rooney has apparently had his foot scanned and all of England is waiting with baited breath, hoping that he will be given the all clear to play in the world cup. I personally don't give a toss about the world cup. I would like to see England do well of course, but really, what I know about football could be written on a gnat's arse with a fat crayon. Something struck me however. It has been suggested that the government of 1966 was only re-elected because England was on a high after winning the world cup. Would a win this year have the same effect for the Labour party? One hopes not. And how important can one player be anyway?


At 4:11 pm, Blogger Richard said...

I think that in Roman times they counted the years from the establishment of Rome...


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