Thursday, June 15, 2006

Dad pack

Well he didn't make it 2 nights in a row. The little insect was up at 4 this morning, and he managed to make his nappy dirty. He didn't really have a good feed at 11, which I think is key to a good night. He also didn't pooh all day, which is always a bad omen. I'm not down hearted though. I still believe we can do this. Yesterday he had his 12 week injections so he is all immunised. This is a good thing since I read yesterady about a measles outbreak. A friend of ours has a baby with chicken pox and we were wondering whether we should expose him so that he could get it out of the way early. We decided that 12 weeks was too young, and I think it was the right decision because it appears to be a bad case.

A new government pack entitled "The Dad Pack", is to be realeased to coincide with Father's day. I haven't seen the pack, but I am longing to get hold of one, not because I think it would be useful, but because it has been so effectively ridiculed by just about everyone. We are told that the pack contains much information and advice for new fathers. Apparently it even advises fathers not to have affairs while their wives are pregnant. This morning I heard a news report that admitted that much of the advice was obvious. But it went on to say that many new dads were so inept that it was necessary. I'm not convinced. I think it would be hard to find an expectant father who thinks that an affair is a good idea during pregnancy, though I'm quite sure some would do it anyway.

Apparently the pack has been supplied to maternity units and nurseries. Since I have a baby too young for a nursery and we have no reason to return to the maternity unit, I don't know how I can get hold of this literature. It is possible to buy 50 Dad Packs for about £9, and my desire to see it is such that I did even consider this option. I can't really justify the expense however. So I may have to find someone with children at nursery to swipe one for me.

I'm told that some important person is visiting the office today to spread joy among the workers. I'm wearing clean underwear and everything. I don't know who it is, but I'm not allowed to hang a jacket on the back of the chair today, or leave a bag under the desk. They have a policy here which encourages people to clear desks of all paperwork except the items you are actually working on. They could eliminate about 90% of their paperwork entirely by just making the system simpler. But that's not my problem. Next week is my last week anyway. I don't have any desk drawers so I can't clear the paperwork up. I've stacked it on the floor under the desk.

I got a call back yesterday from the telephone interview I did on Thursday. They're interested and confirmed that they want to send me some sort of exercise. I have no idea what form this will take, but I guess it's a good sign. I just hope there aren't too many other candidates.

Gary Glitter has launched an appeal in Vietnam against his conviction for child molestation and failed. So I guess it's back to the slammer for him. Last time I mentioned this case I said I had lost all sympathy for him. I still don't have any real sympathy, but I can't find any details of what he is actually supposed to have done, or the evidence against him, so I have moved my position slightly. He made himself look guilty as hell when he was interviewed by the BBC after his conviction when he made a point of saying that he had never knowingly had sex with an underage girl, and that he had only recently discovered what the age of consent was in Vietnam. The fact that he paid off the families of the alleged victims doesn't exactly make him look innocent either.

A thanksgiving service for the Queen in recognition of her 80th birthday is being held at St. Pauls Cathedral. Some 2,300 people are attending. That is a big church isn't it. Even Sir Cliff Richard is there. I saw him on the news. He's wearing a purple jacket and sun glasses. I wonder if Elton John is invited. And if he is, will they make him take his hat off this time?

I've just heard that Wayne Rooney has been passed match fit for the game against Trinidad and Tobego today, but they don't know if he will play.


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