Monday, June 12, 2006

Hand cream

OK, I have a question for you people. I need hand cream advice. My sister in law runs a tea shop and bar. Apparently all the washing dishes and scrubbing floors ruins her hands. So, what's the stuff to use to return her hands to their former state? I could win serious goody points here, so think about it.

I'm wearing the wrong glasses. Somehow this morning I managed to put on an old pair that I keep in the office. They're OK, but they are the sort that are supposed to go dark automatically in the sun. They never worked very well and they always annoyed me. I only realised half way to work this morning. They never go properly clear and they never go properly dark. My hair is getting in my eyes and also annoying me today, and I am tired.

I drove through a thunderstorm this morning on the way to work. That's the first rain I've seen in weeks. Quite spectacular lightning.

I have only two weeks left to run on this contract and then no more work. Not exactly sure what will happen then. I won't be sorry to leave this job, I do need to have an income however. Old boss Jamie e-mailed me today. He's looking for work in Shanghai now apparently. They are talking about me doing another service manual job here. I'll take it if it's offered and I have nothing else to do.

Heather Mills-McCartney has been accused by a national daily newspaper of working as a call girl. She is denying the claims (well she would wouldn't she), but the News of the World is standing by the story which it says will affect her divorce settlement.

We went to see the Chinese State Circus as planned on Saturday. It was good. We weren't allowed to record video or use flash however, so the pictures are not great. I have no time for Shaolin Wu Shu warriors and their stupid tricks. Who wants to see people break bricks on their heads? The circus acts themselvs were good however. There was even the 100 masks act that I wanted to see when I was in Asia, but never got around to. It was a woman performer. She appears wearing a mask which magically changes as she raises and lowers her cloak. It's really amazing. There were also acrobats, plate spinners, slack wire act, tight rope act, contortionist, knife thrower, and hoop divers. It was definitely worth the visit. It was hot in the big top though.

We ate our first home grown chilli this weekend, and I was disapointed. It wasn't spicey at all. I think I'm going to leave the next one on the tree longer to mature. Does anyone out there know when to dig up potatoes? I planted a potato from the supermarket because it was sprouting leaves. It's turned into a huge bush, but I don't know when to dig it up. I think you have to wait for the flowers to come don't you?

I was going to include some pictures of the tomatoes and other foliage in the conservatory, but it is nearly 11 pm as I type this and I'm thinking this can wait for another day.



At 4:33 am, Blogger Richard said...

Emily recommends Hemp cream from the Body Shop.


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