Sunday, June 25, 2006

This is all I wrote on Friday

So, Abby seems to have picked up on the virgin birth insurance point from yesterday. I realise that the immaculate conception refers only to Mary, but I assumed that a second coming, if it happened the same way as last time, would also be "immaculate" wouldn't it? I'm afraid I don't understand the difference between virgin birth and immaculate conception however, so maybe I missed a point. I thought the BBC report used the term "immaculate conception" to describe the event, but I haven't checked. As for the second point she makes, suggesting that a second child is needed to complete the job somehow diminishes the power of Jesus, I'm afraid I don't understand that either. Doesn't the new testament promise a second coming? I'd have thought that the Catholics would encourage people to prepare for it.

As an aside here, I read this morning that the three sisters who insured themselves are in fact all in their 50s, which seems to make conception, immaculate or otherwise, less likely. My immediate thought when I read the story was that these women were intending to make a claim when they became pregnant, based on the fact that the insurance company would have great difficulty proving that a foetus was not the son of God. This seems to be unlikely given the age of the women.


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