Monday, June 26, 2006


Well I guess I have to apologise to Abby and delectableness for mixing them up. When I get notes on theological issues, I always assume it's Abby. She seems concerned about my eternal soul. In fact, if I'm wrong and Abby's right about the existance of a heaven, I'm counting on her to put in a good word for me with God. I'll have a look at the link from delectableness to learn about the immaculate conception and virgin birth later. As for Abby's comment about the second coming being a full grown man straight from heaven, I'll bow down to her greater biblical knowledge on that one, though I read recently that opinion is divided even within the Christian church, about how, or even if, the second coming is going to take place.

And on to something else. This time I'm convinced that the little guy is committed to sleeping through the night. It's been a week now since he got us up before 6am. I'm looking forward to giving him real food. Apparently a health visitor is to come and talk to us about solid food next week. I suppose now is the time to start putting baby food in the freezer. Exciting times lie ahead.

England have beaten Equador 1-0 in yet another seemingly uninspiring display of football. I didn't see it. In fact I had to ask someone who we were playing yesterday. I have found however that the best time to vist shops or drive anywhere is during a football match as everyone else is inside watching it. I remember experiencing much the same thing during the funeral of the Princess of Wales.

I've had my hair cut for the upcoming interview either this week or next. I'm quite looking forward to it. I will be annoyed if I don't get it now. I've had a telephone interview, taken a test, submitted an application form, and will be attending a formal on-site interview. That's quite a bit of time and effort to waste if it all comes to nothing.


I read today that the University of East Anglia, Climate Research Unit, has released figures that suggest there has been no global warming for the last 8 years. In fact they measured a small but insignificant fall in temperature. This appeals to my basically sceptical nature. Apparently there was a period of warming between 1970 and 1998, and another between 1918 and 1940. There was a period of cooling between 1940 and 1965 however, just as we started to use cars and build factories again after the war. It's really quite an interesting read and you should click on the link.


At 10:03 pm, Blogger Richard said...

I think you should watch An Inconvenient Truth if/when it comes out in the UK.


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