Thursday, July 27, 2006


I went to the job centre today. I figured that since I didn't have a job I should claim benefit. I'm not thrilled about it, but I talked myself into feeling better by telling myself how much money the government has fleeced me for over the years. I wasn't sure how to go about claiming unemployment benefit since I've never had to do it before. It turns out that the job center is the place to go. It's depressing and I was accosted by a drunk with a bottle outside the door.

The good news is that I have had quite a few calls about the jobs I have applied for recently and I'm hoping I won't actually have to claim anything. There is nothing in the immediate area however, so I guess we'll have to relocate. I don't mind. I hate Swindon.

I have today constructed a table thing from raw materials that fits neatly over the bathtub or cot. It is designed to fit our son's changing mat. I'm thinking of patenting the idea and marketing it. It's quite brilliant. I also have another baby buildng project in progress. More about that tomorrow maybe.

The parents came down yesterday for my birthday. As birthdays go, it wasn't bad. I hate birthdays however. More accurately, I hate my own birthday. The next one will be 40 and I am having some quite genuine trouble with the whole concept. The parents did however come with a flat screen TV as a present, which was very nice of them. We no longer have to use the 12" portable that we were reduced to because friend Pete gave ours to his mother in law and then stopped talking to her. Long story, maybe another time.


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