Thursday, June 29, 2006


I never really finished writing yesterday's entry. I suddenly seem to have a lot to do at work, which is odd, this contract has not been very demanding so far. I have an interview in Fairham tomorrow. I don't know how it's going to pan out, but I feel quite good about it all. It is quite scary to think that I may have to move out to the south coast and start a new life knowing no one. On the plus side, it will also mean that I get to leave Swindon behind me, and Swindon is a shit-hole, there's no two ways about it. And it's not like I never packed up and moved out before is it.

Michael Jackson is in court again. Actually, he's never out of court these days is he. This time an old associate is caliming MJ owes him money. At one time I thought these were just people out to make a fast buck, but he's clearly in financial trouble and you'd think scammers would go for someone more financially stable.

I can't believe that I've found something upon which Abby and I completely agree. Has that ever happened before? We both hate Al Gore. It's not much, but it's something. I feel close to her.

So, this is another short entry. Wish me luck for tomorrow. I'l try and write something before the weekend.


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